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Who We Are

Kevin McPhillips   BA, MA, Economic Development Researcher

I consider it my job to help people understand why our data matters to their community. I have conducted extensive economic development analysis utilizing a wide range of quantitative and qualitative sources, but I truly believe that the story behind the data is what brings each community to life. My expertise comes in the form of summarizing complex data in a succinct, digestible way that allows for readers to see the value, trends, and characteristics in otherwise convoluted analysis.

I have experience implementing governance initiatives both municipally and provincially and have worked with elected officials across all levels of government. These experiences taught me that while the data is valuable, the ability to convey why the data matters and how it can make a difference is really the engine that drives local development. I love my work because I believe that doing my job well helps residents in communities across Canada grow and thrive.

In my spare time, I enjoy playing and watching sports, going on hikes, and travelling as much as possible. If I’m not analyzing economic development data, you will likely find me poring over sports data trying to get an edge in fantasy football, hockey, or baseball.